The Documentary Channel has posted a fascinating round table discussion of the Civil Rights movement from 1963.
Hosted by David Schoenbrun of CBS, it took place on that day of March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28th 1963. and features James Baldwin, Marlon Brando, Harry Belafonte, Charlton Heston, Joseph L. Mankiewicz and Sidney Poitier.
Brando talks about his awakening and how it will affect other dispossessed minorities, saying the march is:
“one step closer to understanding the human heart”
Heston talks about picketing restaurants in Oklahoma and how he could no longer pay lip service to:
“a cause that is so urgently right in a time that is so urgently now”
When the discussion broadens out to the wider subject of human freedoms around the world, the parallels with recent protests in the Middle East are hard to ignore.
> The Documentary Channel
> Find out more about African-American Civil Rights Movement at Wikipedia